Studio Secrets with Fabio Barile

January 9, 2024

The Rome based artist has a major interest in the use of photography as a philosophical tool, capable of stimulating a deeper understanding of reality.

Barile is represented by Matéria gallery, where he had his first solo show in 2015. We sat down with Fabio to learn more about his work.

1. What does a typical day in the studio look like for you?  

I don't have a typical day in the studio. Currently, the studio is a computer where I spend most of my days. But generally, I have two different approaches. I either accumulate ideas and things I want to work on, then approach them all together, or alternatively I try to create something from scratch. The latter is usually less effective; I work better when I am full of ideas and readings for a while; when it’s the right time, I discharge them all together.

2. What are you working on at the moment?

At the moment, I am working on two different projects. One is the evolution of a previous body of work on the representation of geology in early Renaissance, where I am currently applying AI to further expand it. The other project is a photographic research into the origins of my identity, which has transformed into a project that challenges the concept of identity.

3. Do you have any rituals connected to your practice?

Not that I am aware of!

4. What can’t you live without in your studio?

Coffee, large format analogue film sheets and a computer.

5. How has tech most shaped your practice?

Tech has always had a big influence on me, I feel a profound fascination for new technologies and scientific discoveries; a fascination that has shaped a large portion of my artistic practice. However, the shaping I refer to has always been guided by the principles of scientific research, I have never directly used new technologies in my work. I actually use a large format camera and continue to work with film; only recently, I began to incorporate AI as a standalone tool.

6. Which artist working today most inspires you?

As mentioned, my primary inspiration comes from science. Anthropology, biology, physics, almost everything within that domain.

7. Do you have a favourite art fair?

The one that I make sure to visit every year: Paris Photo.

8. What would you be if you weren't an artist?

I have no idea!

9. How do you think the art world may change in the future?

If we continue to engage in wars, there will be no art world in the future... possibly not even a world.

Pictured: Fabio Barile in his studio photographed by Sveva Taverna.

Learn more about Fabio Barile here. Subscribe to our ‍newsletter for the latest art and technology news and more stories from Arcual's community of innovators.